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Adding, updating and deleting pitches

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Adding, updating, or removing camper pitches on our platform is a breeze. Here’s a simple guide to help you get started:

1. Log In:
Make sure you’re logged into the system.

2. Navigate to Settings:
Head to the Settings page using the menu.

3. Access ‘Manage Pitches’:
Click on the ‘Manage Pitches’ tab.

Now, you’ll see a list of all your existing pitches. You have the flexibility to edit (‘Edit’), delete (‘Delete’), or make a pitch invisible, preventing further bookings.

Adding a New Pitch #

Located at the top right of the list is a button labeled ‘Add Camper Pitch.’ Clicking on this button will take you to a form where you can create a new pitch.

Once you’ve filled in all the necessary details, press the ‘Save Pitch’ button, and your new pitch will be added to the list.

Updating #

If you need to update a pitch, click on ‘Edit’ in the list next to the pitch you want to modify. You’ll be taken to the same form used for creating new pitches. Adjust the information as needed, and when you’re ready, hit ‘Save Pitch.’ You’ll then return to the list, and your changes will be reflected.

With these straightforward steps, you can effortlessly manage your camper pitches, ensuring your listings are up to date and accurate for your customers.

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